Trimble Navigation Driver


Add Drivers

Trimble Oil and Gas Services Suite #401 5940 MacLeod Trail SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2H 2G4 403.261.2965 403.261.2813 Trimble has the navigation tools your transportation business needs to improve driver productivity and simplify billing activities. Better data at everyone’s fingertips with real-time updates Capture day-to-day expenses across your entire fleet Bill, invoice, and estimate more accurately than ever before. The Trimble® TSC3 controller with Trimble Access™ software is a handheld field computing solution that streamlines the flow of everyday surveying work and the number of devices you need in the field. Keep Your Fleet and Drivers Safe Keep Your Drivers Safe, Happy, and Productive Your drivers make your company go — literally! Keep them safe, happy, and productive with Trimble's suite of industry leading fleet telematics mobility tools.

POST /drivers

Adds drivers to the fleet account. There is a limit of adding up to 50 drivers per API call.

Each driver has a Driver ID (identifier) and a Driver Name. Driver ID is required to be unique within the fleet account, whereas Driver Name is not required to be unique.


  • If a Driver ID and Driver Name combination already exists in the fleet account and
    • If the same Driver ID and Driver Name is sent in the request, then the request will be ignored with an appropriate message indicating that duplicate records were not added.
    • If the Driver ID is same but Driver Name is different, then in the response, an appropriate message is returned indicating that duplicate records were not added.
    • If Driver Name is the same but Driver ID is different, then a new record gets created with the new Driver ID and Driver Name.


Authorization: bearer {token}

NameDescriptionData Type
driverIdExternal driver identifier—must be unique within the fleet account
NameExternal driver name—need not be unique within the fleet account


NameDescriptionData Type
IdUnique, system-generated identifier for unique driver
NameDriver Name that was added into the fleet account
driverIdDriver Id that was added into the fleet account
ModifiedOnIndicates the last time the vehicle was modified

Sample Request

Sample Response

Error Codes

The request finished without adding duplicate driverIdsThis error is thrown when driverIds already exist within the account

Update Drivers

PUT /drivers

Updates a Driver Name that is associated with a specific Driver ID in the account.


Authorization: bearer {token}
NameDescriptionData Type
driverIdExternal Driver Identifier
NameExternal Driver Name


Trimble Navigation Wiki

NameDescriptionData Type
IdUnique system generated identifier for unique driver.
NameDriver Name that was updated.
DriverIdDriver Id of the driver that was updated.
ModifiedOnIndicates the last time the driver was modified.

Sample Request

Sample Response

Error Codes

Trimble navigation driver software
The request finished without updating non-existent driversThis error is thrown when driversIds do not exist within the account.

Get a List of Drivers

GET /drivers

Gets a list of Driver IDs and Driver Names from an account. By default, the first 20 drivers in the account will be populated. Set the limit parameter to retrieve as many drivers as necessary.


Trimble navigation driver manualAuthorization: bearer {token}
NameDescriptionData Type
offsetPagination parameter indicating the cursor position to begin with in the response for this request
limitPagination parameter indicating the number of results to return in the response for this request
sortExpressionThe parameter based on which sorting should be performed. Pass either driverId or driverName.
sortDirectionSort the results in ascending or descending order. Pass either ASC or DESC.


NameDescriptionData Type
hrefRequest URL
offsetPagination parameter indicating the cursor position at which the response begins
limitPagination parameter indicating the number of results in the response
sizePagination parameter indicating the total number of pages that are available in the response
firstPagination parameter with a link to get the first page of the results in the response
nextPagination parameter with a link to get the next page of the results in the response
previousPagination parameter with a link to get the previous page of the results in the response
lastPagination parameter with a link to get the last page of the results in the response
idUnique system generated identifier for unique vehicle
nameName of the driver
driverIdDriver Id of the driver
modifiedOnIndicates the last time the driver record was modified

Sample Response

Delete a Driver

DELETE /drivers

Delete a driver using his or her driverID.


Authorization: bearer {token}
NameDescriptionData Type
driverIdDriver ID of the driver


NameDescriptionData Type
messageText indicating the result of deleting a driver

Sample Response

Error Codes

No driver found with Id: {}The driverId passed in the request to delete was not found in the account.

How do I contact MEP Client Services for technical support with my Trimble Accubid Estimating Products?

Trimble Navigation Driver Updater

  • North America: Call our toll-free number at 1-800-361-3030
  • Outside North America: Call 1-905-761-8800

  • Send an email to

Tip - To better assist you, make sure you describe the issue in as much detail as possible. You can also include a screenshot if desired. An MEP Client Services Representative will contact you as soon as possible.

Joe Denniston

Our MEP Client Services Representatives are available during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.